1 stage
A n1 ( phase) (of illness, career, life, development, match) stade m (of, in de) ; (of project, process, plan) phase f (of, in de) ; (of journey, negotiations) étape f (of, in de) ; the first stage of our journey la première étape de notre voyage ; the first stage in the process la première phase or le premier stade du procédé ; the next stage in the project/his research la prochaine phase du projet/de ses recherches ; a difficult stage in the negotiations une étape difficile des négociations ; the next stage of a baby's development le prochain stade du développement d'un bébé ; the baby has reached the talking/walking stage le bébé commence à parler/marcher ; what stage has he reached in his education? il en est à quel stade dans ses études? ; a/the stage where un/le stade où ; I've reached the stage where I have to decide je suis arrivé au stade où il faut que je décide ; we're at a stage where anything could happen nous sommes arrivés à un stade où tout est possible ; at this stage ( at this point) à ce stade ; (yet, for the time being) pour l'instant ; I can't say at this stage pour l'instant je ne peux rien dire ; that's all I can say at this stage c'est tout ce que je peux dire pour l'instant ; at this stage in ou of your career à ce stade de votre carrière ; at a late stage à un stade avancé ; at an earlier/later stage à un stade antérieur/ultérieur ; at an early stage in our history vers le début de notre histoire ; at every stage à chaque étape ; she ought to know that by this stage ça fait longtemps qu'elle devrait le savoir ; by stages par étapes ; stage by stage étape par étape ; in stages en plusieurs étapes ; in easy stages par petites étapes ; the project is still in its early stages le projet en est encore à ses débuts ; we're in the late stages of our research nous arrivons à la fin de nos recherches ; the project is at the halfway stage le projet est à mi-chemin ; the project is entering its final stage le projet touche à sa fin or entre dans sa phase finale ; she's going through a difficult stage elle traverse une période difficile ; it's just a stage! (in babyhood, adolescence) ça passera! ;2 ( raised platform) gen estrade f ; Theat scène f ; he was on stage for three hours il a été en or sur scène pendant trois heures ; to go on stage monter sur or entrer en scène ; I've seen her on the stage je l'ai vue jouer ; live from the stage of La Scala en direct de La Scala ; a long career on stage and screen une longue carrière à la scène et à l'écran ; to hold the stage lit, fig être le point de mire ; to set the stage Theat monter le décor ; to set the stage for sth fig préparer qch ; the stage is set for the contest tout est prêt pour le combat ;3 Theat the stage le théâtre ; to go on the stage faire du théâtre ; to write for the stage écrire des pièces de théâtre ; after 40 years on the stage après 40 ans de théâtre or sur les planches ; the decline of the English stage le déclin du théâtre anglais ; the play never reached the stage la pièce n'a jamais été jouée ;4 fig ( setting) ( actual place) théâtre m ; ( backdrop) scène f ; Geneva has become the stage for many international conferences Genève est devenue le théâtre de nombreuses conférences internationales ; her appearance on the stage of world politics son apparition sur la scène politique internationale ;5 Aerosp étage m ;7 ( on scaffolding) plate-forme f d'échafaudage ;8 ( on microscope) platine f ;B modif Theat [play, equipment, furniture, lighting, equipment] de théâtre ; [production] théâtral ; [appearance, career, performance] au théâtre.C vtr1 ( organize) organiser [ceremony, competition, demonstration, event, festival, rebellion, reconstruction, strike] ; fomenter [coup] ;3 Theat monter, mettre [qch] en scène [play, performance]. -
2 stage
1. noun1) (Theatre) Bühne, die2) (fig.)go on the stage — zur Bühne od. zum Theater gehen
be at a late/critical stage — sich in einer späten/kritischen Phase befinden
at this stage — in diesem Stadium
do something in or by stages — etwas abschnittsweise od. nach und nach tun
in the final stages — in der Schlussphase
4) (raised platform) Gerüst, das5) (of microscope) Mikroskoptisch, derset the stage for somebody/something — jemandem den Weg ebnen/etwas in die Wege leiten
7) (distance) Etappe, die2. transitive verb1) (present) inszenieren2) (arrange) veranstalten [Wettkampf, Ausstellung]; ausrichten [Veranstaltung]; organisieren [Streik]; bewerkstelligen [Rückzug]* * *I 1. [stei‹] noun(a raised platform especially for performing or acting on, eg in a theatre.) die Bühne2. verb1) (to prepare and produce (a play etc) in a theatre etc: This play was first staged in 1928.) inszenieren2) (to organize (an event etc): The protesters are planning to stage a demonstration.) in Szene setzen•- academic.ru/70160/staging">staging- stage direction
- stage fright
- stagehand
- stage manager
- stagestruck II [stei‹]1) (a period or step in the development of something: The plan is in its early stages; At this stage, we don't know how many survivors there are.) das Stadium2) (part of a journey: The first stage of our journey will be the flight to Singapore.) die Etappe3) (a section of a bus route.) die Strecke4) (a section of a rocket.) die Stufe•* * *[steɪʤ]I. n\stage in the process Prozessschritt mcrucial \stage entscheidende Phaseearly \stage Frühphase fediting \stage Drucklegung flate \stage Spätphase fto go through a \stage eine [bestimmte] Phase durchmachenat some \stage irgendwannto do sth in \stages etw in Etappen [o etappenweise] [o in einzelnen Schritten] tun2. of a journey, race Etappe f, Abschnitt mthree-\stage rocket Dreistufenrakete fto go on \stage die Bühne betretento take the \stage auftreten7. (profession)▪ the \stage die Bühnethe London \stage das Londoner Theaterto be on the \stage auf der Bühne stehento go to the \stage zum Theater gehenthe world \stage die [ganze] Weltthe political \stage die politische BühneII. vt1. THEAT▪ to \stage sth etw aufführento \stage a concert ein Konzert geben [o geh veranstalten]to \stage a play/an opera ein Theaterstück/eine Oper aufführen [o inszenieren2. (organize)to \stage a comeback ein Comeback startento \stage a congress/meeting einen Kongress/eine Tagung veranstaltento \stage a coup d'état einen Staatsstreich durchführento \stage a match ein Spiel austragento \stage the Olympic Games die Olympischen Spiele ausrichtento \stage a party eine Party gebento \stage a recovery eine Erholung[sphase] einleitento \stage a strike/a demonstration einen Streik/eine Demonstration organisieren [o inszenieren]to \stage war games ein Manöver abhalten3. MEDto \stage a patient/disease einen Patienten/eine Krankheit diagnostisch einordnen\stage adaptation Bühnenfassung f\stage crew Bühnenteam nt\stage scenery Kulisse[n] f[pl]\stage setting Bühnenbild nt* * *[steɪdZ]1. nto be on/go on/leave the stage (as career) — beim Theater sein/zum Theater gehen/das Theater verlassen
to go on stage (actor) — die Bühne betreten; (play) anfangen
to come off stage, to leave the stage — von der Bühne abtreten
to put a play on the stage — ein Stück aufführen or auf die Bühne bringen
to adapt a novel for the stage —
the stage was set (lit) — das Bühnenbild war aufgebaut; (fig) alles war vorbereitet
2) (= platform in hall) Podium ntin the early/final stage(s) — im Anfangs-/Endstadium
what stage is your thesis at? —
I'm at the talking stage with the club — ich befinde mich mit dem Klub gerade in Gesprächen
we have reached a stage where... — wir sind an einem Punkt angelangt, wo...
4) (= part of journey, race etc) Abschnitt m, Etappe f; (= fare stage) Teilstrecke f, Fahrzone f; (= actual bus stop) Zahlgrenze fin or by ( easy) stages (lit) — etappenweise; (fig also) Schritt für Schritt
5) (= section of rocket) Stufe f6) (old inf: stagecoach) Postkutsche f2. vtplay aufführen, auf die Bühne bringen; competition, event durchführen; accident, scene, coup inszenieren; welcome arrangieren; demonstration, strike, protest etc veranstaltenthe play is staged in the 19th century — das Stück spielt im 19. Jahrhundert
stageed reading — Bühnenlesung f, dramatische Lesung
* * *stage [steıdʒ]A s1. TECH Bühne f, Gerüst n2. Podium n3. THEAT Bühne f (auch fig Theaterwelt oder Bühnenlaufbahn):the stage fig die Bühne, das Theater;be on the stage Schauspieler(in) oder beim Theater sein;go on the stage zur Bühne gehen;hold the stage sich halten (Theaterstück);put on (the) stage → B 1;be put on (the) stage zur Aufführung gelangen oder kommen;a) die Voraussetzungen schaffen für,4. fig Bühne f, Schauplatz m:move off the political stage von der politischen Bühne abtreten5. HISTa) (Post)Station fb) Postkutsche f6. Br Teilstrecke f, Fahrzone f (Bus etc)7. (Reise)Abschnitt m, Etappe f (auch Radsport etc und fig):critical stage kritisches Stadium;experimental (initial, intermediate) stage Versuchs-(Anfangs-, Zwischen)stadium;a) zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt,b) in diesem Stadium;at this early stage schon jetzt, bereits heute;be in its early stages im Anfangs- oder Frühstadium sein;9. ARCH (Bau)Abschnitt m10. GEOL Stufe f (einer Formation)11. Objekttisch m (am Mikroskop)12. ELEK Verstärkerstufe f13. TECH Stufe f (auch einer Rakete)14. TECH Farbläufer mB v/t1. a) auf die Bühne oder zur Aufführung bringen, inszenieren:b) für die Bühne bearbeiten2. a) eine Ausstellung etc veranstaltenb) eine Demonstration etc inszenieren, durchführen, aufziehen3. TECH (be)rüsten4. MIL US durchschleusen* * *1. noun1) (Theatre) Bühne, diedown/up stage — (position) vorne/hinten auf der Bühne; (direction) nach vorn/nach hinten
2) (fig.)go on the stage — zur Bühne od. zum Theater gehen
be at a late/critical stage — sich in einer späten/kritischen Phase befinden
do something in or by stages — etwas abschnittsweise od. nach und nach tun
4) (raised platform) Gerüst, das5) (of microscope) Mikroskoptisch, derset the stage for somebody/something — jemandem den Weg ebnen/etwas in die Wege leiten
7) (distance) Etappe, die2. transitive verb1) (present) inszenieren2) (arrange) veranstalten [Wettkampf, Ausstellung]; ausrichten [Veranstaltung]; organisieren [Streik]; bewerkstelligen [Rückzug]* * *n.Bühne -n f.Etappe -n f.Podium -en n.Schauplatz m.Stadium -en n.Stufe -n f. v.inszenieren v.veranstalten v. -
3 competition management
управление соревнованиями
Управление соревнованиями предусматривает выполнение правил и регламента каждой МСФ и МПСФ при организации соревнований на самом высоком уровне, с тем чтобы лучшие спортсмены мира могли продемонстрировать свои достижения. Управление соревнованиями призвано обеспечить совместимость и четкую согласованность соревнований по всем видам спорта, входящим в Олимпийскую и Паралимпийскую программу. ОКОИ может учредить функциональное подразделение, занимающееся всеми аспектами управления соревнованиями.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
competition management
Competition management relates to implementation of the rules and regulations of each IF and IPSF in the delivery of each sport at the highest level possible for the world's best athletes to stage their talents. Competition management must ensure that sports on the Olympic and Paralympic program are organized in a consistent manner. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with competition management aspects.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > competition management
4 compétition de qualification
Première phase d'une compétition qui a lieu afin de qualifier les équipes participantes pour le prochain tour.First phase in a competition to ascertain the participants of the next round.Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition de qualification
5 stage d'entraînement
Lieu où une équipe se prépare en vue d'une compétition ou d'un match important.Syn. stage d'entraînement mA retreat to which a team goes in order to prepare itself for the season, a competition or an important match.Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > stage d'entraînement
6 qualifying stage
■ First phase in a competition to ascertain the participants of the next round.■ Erste Phase eines Wettbewerbs, in der mehrere Mannschaften sich für die nächste Runde zu qualifizieren versuchen. -
7 qualifying competition
■ First phase in a competition to ascertain the participants of the next round.■ Erste Phase eines Wettbewerbs, in der mehrere Mannschaften sich für die nächste Runde zu qualifizieren versuchen.Englisch-deutsch wörterbuch fußball > qualifying competition
8 group stage
■ Part of a competition played under a round robin system.Syn. group stage■ Teil eines Wettbewerbs, der im Gruppenmodus ausgetragen wird. -
9 group stage draw
Syn. group draw■ Auslosung, bei der die an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmenden Mannschaften in Gruppen eingeteilt werden. -
10 FIFA World Cup qualifying competition
■ Qualifying stage of the FIFA World Cup consisting of matches in a group system, played within the six FIFA confederations.■ Qualifikationsrunde zur Endrunde der FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft, die jeweils innerhalb der sechs Kontinentalverbände der FIFA ausgetragen wird.Englisch-deutsch wörterbuch fußball > FIFA World Cup qualifying competition
11 leg
leɡ1) (one of the limbs by which animals and man walk: The horse injured a front leg; She stood on one leg.) pierna2) (the part of an article of clothing that covers one of these limbs closely: He has torn the leg of his trousers.) pernera3) (a long, narrow support of a table etc: One of the legs of the chair was broken.) pata4) (one stage in a journey, competition etc: the last leg of the trip; the second leg of the contest.) etapa•- - legged- pull someone's leg
leg n1. pierna2. patatr[leg]1 SMALLANATOMY/SMALL pierna (of animal) pata3 (of furniture) pata, pie nombre masculino4 (of trousers) pernera5 (stage) etapa\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLnot to have a leg to stand on no tener en qué basarseto be on one's last legs estar en las últimasto give somebody a leg up familiar ayudar a alguien a subir (aguantándole un pie)to pull somebody's leg familiar tomarle el pelo a alguiento show a leg familiar levantarse de la camaleg ['lɛg] n1) : pierna f (de una persona, de carne, de ropa), pata f (de un animal, de muebles)2) stage: etapa f (de un viaje), vuelta f (de una carrera)n.• pata s.f.• pernil s.m.• pierna s.f.• recorrido s.m.
I leghe/she can talk the hind legs off a donkey! — (colloq) habla como una cotorra or (hasta) por los codos (fam)
not to have a leg to stand on — (colloq) llevar todas las de perder
to be on one's/its last legs — (colloq) estar* en las últimas (fam)
to pull somebody's leg — (colloq) tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam)
to stretch one's legs — estirar las piernas; (before n) < muscle> de la pierna; < injury> en la pierna
2)a) ( Culin) (of lamb, pork) pierna f, pernil m; ( of chicken) pata f, muslo mb) ( Clothing) pierna f; ( measurement) entrepierna fc) (of chair, table) pata f3) (stage - of competition, race) manga f, vuelta f; (- of journey) etapa f
[leɡ]to leg it — (colloq) ( go on foot) ir* a pata (fam); ( run) ir* corriendo
1. N1) [of person] pierna f; [of animal, bird, insect] pata f; [of furniture] (=one of set) pata f; (=central support) pie m; [of trousers] pernera f; [of stocking] caña fartificial leg — pierna f ortopédica or artificial
wooden leg — pierna f de madera, pata f de palo *
to give sb a leg up — (Brit) * (lit) aupar a algn; (fig) dar un empujoncito a algn *, echar un cable a algn *
- get one's or a leg over- have legs- be on its/one's last legsevery, gasp 1., laugh 1., 1), post I, 1., 2), supper, resort 1., 1), straw 1., 1), word 1., 1)- pull sb's leg- shake a legarm I break 2., 1), hind I inside 5., last I, 1., 3) stretch 2., 3)2) (Culin) [of lamb, mutton, pork] pierna f; [of chicken, turkey] muslo m, pata ffrogs' legs — ancas fpl de rana
3) (=stage) [of journey] tramo m, etapa f; [of race] etapa f, manga f; [of championship] vuelta f2.VT*to leg it — (=go on foot) ir a pata *; (=run) echarse una carrera *; (=run away) salir por piernas or patas *
3.CPDleg iron N — (Med) aparato m ortopédico
leg irons NPL — (for prisoner) grilletes mpl
leg muscles NPL — músculos mpl de las piernas
* * *
I [leg]he/she can talk the hind legs off a donkey! — (colloq) habla como una cotorra or (hasta) por los codos (fam)
not to have a leg to stand on — (colloq) llevar todas las de perder
to be on one's/its last legs — (colloq) estar* en las últimas (fam)
to pull somebody's leg — (colloq) tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam)
to stretch one's legs — estirar las piernas; (before n) < muscle> de la pierna; < injury> en la pierna
2)a) ( Culin) (of lamb, pork) pierna f, pernil m; ( of chicken) pata f, muslo mb) ( Clothing) pierna f; ( measurement) entrepierna fc) (of chair, table) pata f3) (stage - of competition, race) manga f, vuelta f; (- of journey) etapa f
to leg it — (colloq) ( go on foot) ir* a pata (fam); ( run) ir* corriendo
12 round
1. adjective1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) redondo2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) redondo
2. adverb1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) en sentido contrario2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) en círculo3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) de persona en persona4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) de un sitio a otro, por ahí5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) de circunferencia6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) a casa
3. preposition1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) a la vuelta (de)4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) por
4. noun1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) ronda, vuelta; recorrido2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) recorrido3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) salva; tiro4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) cartucho5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) vuelta, asalto (boxeo)6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) canon
5. verb(to go round: The car rounded the corner.) girar, virar- rounded- roundly
- roundness
- rounds
- all-round
- all-rounder
- roundabout
6. adjective(not direct: a roundabout route.) indirecto- round-shouldered
- round trip
- all round
- round about
- round off
- round on
- round up
round1 adj redondoround2 advshe looked round miró a su alrededor / miró hacia atrásround3 prep alrededor de
round /rraun/ sustantivo masculino (Dep) round ' round' also found in these entries: Spanish: alrededor - asalto - asomar - batuta - billete - bordear - caballito - camilla - circular - dejarse - doblar - eliminatoria - energía - estar - foro - hacinarse - inversa - inverso - juntar - octava - octavo - pasarse - patearse - piña - por - reanimar - reanimarse - rebuscada - rebuscado - recorrer - redonda - redondear - redondez - redondo - rematar - remover - revés - rodear - ronda - sobremesa - soler - sortear - tartana - tiovivo - volver - volverse - vuelta - acorralar - aparecer - aplauso English: all-round - ask round - bend - bring round - circle - clip - clock - come round - corner - drop in - drop round - finger - flash - gather round - get around - get round - get round to - glance round - go round - hand round - look round - merry-go-round - pad - paper round - pass - pass round - rally - rally round - ring - round - round down - round off - round on - round robin - round up - round-shouldered - round-table meeting - round-the-clock - show round - spin - swap round - swing - tour - travel - turn round - twist round - wander - way - wheel - whip-roundtr[raʊnd]1 redondo,-a1 (circle) círculo4 (of drinks) ronda5 (of policeman etc) ronda6 (for gun) cartucho7 (of bread) rebanada2 (about) por ahí3 (to somebody's house) a casa1 alrededor de■ have you lived round here long? ¿hace mucho que vives por aquí?1 doblar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall the year round durante todo el añoround the clock día y noche, las veinticuatro horasround the corner a la vuelta de la esquinathe other way round al revésto have round shoulders tener las espaldas cargadasto go round dar vueltasround table mesa redondaround trip viaje nombre masculino de ida y vueltaround number número redondoround ['raʊnd] vt1) : redondearshe rounded the edges: redondeó los bordes2) turn: doblarto round the corner: dar la vuelta a la esquina3)to round off : redondear (un número)4)5)to round up gather: reunirround adj1) : redondoa round table: una mesa redondain round numbers: en números redondosround shoulders: espaldas cargadas2)round trip : viaje m de ida y vueltaround n1) circle: círculo m2) series: serie f, sucesión fa round of talks: una ronda de negociacionesthe daily round: la rutina cotidiana3) : asalto m (en boxeo), recorrido m (en golf), vuelta f (en varios juegos)4) : salva f (de aplausos)5)round of drinks : ronda f6)round of ammunition : disparo m, cartucho m7) rounds npl: recorridos mpl (de un cartero), rondas fpl (de un vigilante), visitas fpl (de un médico)to make the rounds: hacer visitasn.• equilibrado (Vino) s.m.adj.• redondo, -a adj.• rollizo, -a adj.• rotundo, -a adj.adv.• alrededor adv.n.• asalto s.m.• círculo s.m.• descarga s.f.• redondo s.m.• ronda s.f.• rueda s.f.• vuelta s.f.prep.• alrededor de prep.v.• redondear (MAT, INF) v.
I raʊnd1)a) (circular, spherical) redondob) ( not angular) < corner> curvoshe has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada
2) < number> redondo
1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)theater in the round — teatro m circular
2) ca) ( series) serie fround of talks — ronda f de conversaciones
b) ( burst)let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...
3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f4)a) ( of visits) (often pl)the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes
the nurse does her round of the wards at midday — la enfermera hace la ronda de las salas a mediodía
we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes
b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)this is my round — esta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo
7) c ( of bread) (BrE)a round of toast — una tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado
8) c ( Mus) canon m
a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta ab) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondearPhrasal Verbs:- round on- round up
adverb (esp BrE)1)a) ( in a circle)she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round
c) ( on all sides) alrededor2)a) (from one place, person to another)the curator took us round — el conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)
b) (at, to different place)we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round
c)all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos
preposition (esp BrE)1) ( encircling) alrededor de2)a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores deb) (within, through)[raʊnd] When round is an element in a phrasal verb, eg ask round, call round, rally round, look up the verb.1.ADJ(compar rounder) (superl roundest) (gen) redondo; [sum, number] redondo2.ADV•
there is a fence all round — está rodeado por un cercadoit would be better all round if we didn't go — (in every respect) sería mejor en todos los sentidos que no fuéramos; (for all concerned) sería mejor para todos que no fuéramos
drinks all round! — ¡pago la ronda para todos!
to ask sb round — invitar a algn a casa or a pasar (por casa)•
we were round at my sister's — estábamos en casa de mi hermana•
the wheels go round — las ruedas giran or dan vuelta•
the long way round — el camino más largothe other/wrong way round — al revés
3. PREP1) (of place etc) alrededor dewe were sitting round the table/fire — estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa/en torno a la chimenea
round the clock — (=at any time) a todas horas, a cualquier hora; (=non-stop) permanentemente, día y noche, las 24 horas del día•
are you from round here? — ¿eres de por aquí?•
to look round the shop — echar una mirada por la tienda•
round about £50 — alrededor de 50 libras, 50 libras más o menos•
somewhere round Derby — cerca de Derby3) (=using as theme)4. N1) (=circle) círculo m ; (=slice) tajada f, rodaja f2) [of postman, milkman etc] recorrido m ; [of watchman] ronda f•
the watchman was doing his round — el vigilante estaba de ronda•
the story is going the rounds that... — se dice or se rumorea que...she did or went or made the rounds of the agencies — visitó or recorrió todas las agencias
the doctor's on his rounds — el médico está haciendo sus visitas3) (Boxing) asalto m, round m ; (Golf) partido m, recorrido m, vuelta f ; (Showjumping) recorrido m ; (Cards) (=game) partida f ; (in tournament) vuelta f•
to have a clear round — hacer un recorrido sin penalizaciones4) [of drinks] ronda fwhose round is it? — ¿a quién le toca (pagar)?
it's my round — yo invito, me toca a mí
let's have a round of applause for... — demos un fuerte aplauso a...
5) (=series)6) (=routine)•
the daily round — la rutina cotidiana7)• in the round — (Theat) circular, en redondo
8) (Mus) canon m5. VT1) (=make round) [+ lips, edges] redondear2) (=go round) [+ corner] doblar, dar la vuelta a; (Naut) doblar6.CPDround arch N — arco m de medio punto
round dance N — baile m en corro
round robin N — (=request) petición f firmada en rueda; (=protest) protesta f firmada en rueda
Round Table N — (Hist) Mesa f Redonda
round table N — (=conference) mesa f redonda
round trip N — viaje m de ida y vuelta
round trip ticket — (US) billete m de ida y vuelta
- round on- round up* * *
I [raʊnd]1)a) (circular, spherical) redondob) ( not angular) < corner> curvoshe has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada
2) < number> redondo
1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)theater in the round — teatro m circular
2) ca) ( series) serie fround of talks — ronda f de conversaciones
b) ( burst)let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...
3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f4)a) ( of visits) (often pl)the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes
the nurse does her round of the wards at midday — la enfermera hace la ronda de las salas a mediodía
we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes
b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)this is my round — esta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo
7) c ( of bread) (BrE)a round of toast — una tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado
8) c ( Mus) canon m
a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta ab) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondearPhrasal Verbs:- round on- round up
adverb (esp BrE)1)a) ( in a circle)she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round
c) ( on all sides) alrededor2)a) (from one place, person to another)the curator took us round — el conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)
b) (at, to different place)we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round
c)all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos
preposition (esp BrE)1) ( encircling) alrededor de2)a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores deb) (within, through) -
13 Thompson, Benjamin
[br]b. 11 April 1779 Eccleshall, Yorkshire, Englandd. 19 April 1867 Gateshead, England[br]English coal owner and railway engineer, inventor of reciprocal cable haulage.[br]After being educated at Sheffield Grammar School, Thompson and his elder brother established Aberdare Iron Works, South Wales, where he gained experience in mine engineering from the coal-and ironstone-mines with which the works were connected. In 1811 he moved to the North of England as Managing Partner in Bewicke's Main Colliery, County Durham, which was replaced in 1814 by a new colliery at nearby Ouston. Coal from this was carried to the Tyne over the Pelew Main Wagonway, which included a 1,992 yd (1,821 m) section where horses had to haul loaded wagons between the top of one cable-worked incline and the foot of the next. Both inclines were worked by stationary steam engines, and by installing a rope with a record length of nearly 1 1/2 miles (2.4 km), in 1821 Thompson arranged for the engine of the upper incline to haul the loaded wagons along the intervening section also. To their rear was attached the rope from the engine of the lower incline, to be used in due course to haul the empties back again.He subsequently installed this system of "reciprocal working" elsewhere, in particular in 1826 over five miles (8 km) of the Brunton \& Shields Railroad, a colliery line north of the Tyne, where trains were hauled at an average speed of 6 mph (10 km/h) including rope changes. This performance was better than that of contemporary locomotives. The directors of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway, which was then being built, considered installing reciprocal cable haulage on their line, and then decided to stage a competition to establish whether an improved steam locomotive could do better still. This competition became the Rainhill Trials of 1829 and was decisively won by Rocket, which had been built for the purpose.Thompson meanwhile had become prominent in the promotion of the Newcastle \& Carlisle Railway, which, when it received its Act in 1829, was the longest railway so far authorized in Britain.[br]Bibliography1821, British patent no. 4602 (reciprocal working).1847, Inventions, Improvements and Practice of Benjamin Thompson, Newcastle upon Tyne: Lambert.Further ReadingW.W.Tomlinson, 1914, The North Eastern Railway, Newcastle upon Tyne: Andrew Reid (includes a description of Thompson and his work).R.Welford, 1895, Men of Mark twixt Tyne and Tweed, Vol. 3, 506–6.C.R.Warn, 1976, Waggonways and Early Railways of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne: Frank Graham.——c. 1981, Rails between Wear \& Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne: Frank Graham.PJGR -
14 pitch
I 1. noun1) (Brit.): (usual place) [Stand]platz, der; (stand) Stand, der; (Sport): (playing area) Feld, das; Platz, der3) (slope) Neigung, die2. transitive verbreach such a pitch that... — sich so zuspitzen, dass...
1) (erect) aufschlagen [Zelt]pitch camp — ein/das Lager aufschlagen
2) (throw) werfenthe horse pitched its rider over its head — das Pferd warf den Reiter vornüber
pitch somebody out of something — jemanden aus etwas hinauswerfen
3) (Mus.) anstimmen [Melodie]; stimmen [Instrument]4) (fig.)5)3. intransitive verbpitched battle — offene [Feld]schlacht
(fall) [kopfüber] stürzen; [Schiff, Fahrzeug, Flugzeug:] mit einem Ruck nach vorn kippen; (repeatedly) [Schiff:] stampfenPhrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/90132/pitch_in">pitch inII noun(substance) Pech, das* * *I 1. [pi ] verb2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) werfen3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) stürzen4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) stampfen5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) anstimmen2. noun1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) das Feld2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) die Tonhöhe3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) der Grad4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) der Stand5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) der Wurf6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) das Stampfen•- -pitched- pitcher
- pitched battle
- pitchfork II [pi ] noun(a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) das Pech- pitch-black- pitch-dark* * *pitch1npitch2[pɪtʃ]pitch3[pɪtʃ]I. n<pl -es>baseball/hockey \pitch Baseball-/Hockeyfeld ntfootball \pitch Fußballfeld nt, Fußballplatz m3. no pl (tone) Tonhöhe f; (of a voice) Stimmlage f; (of an instrument) Tonlage f; (volume) Lautstärke fthe noise [had] reached such a \pitch that the neighbours complained der Lärm war so laut, dass sich die Nachbarn beschwertenperfect \pitch absolutes Gehörto be at fever \pitch (worked-up) [furchtbar] aufgeregt sein; children [völlig] aufgedreht [o ÖSTERR überdreht] sein[sales] \pitch [Verkaufs]gerede nt a. pej fam, [Verkaufs]sprüche pl a. pej famhe gave me his usual [sales] \pitch about quality and reliability er spulte seine üblichen Sprüche über Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit ab famthe city made a \pitch to stage the competition die Stadt bemühte sich um die Austragung der Wettkämpfelow/steep \pitch flache/steile Neigungto have a low \pitch flach geneigt seinto have a steep \pitch steil [geneigt] seinII. vt1. (throw)▪ to \pitch sb/sth jdn/etw werfenhis constant criticism had \pitched him into trouble with his boss seine ständige Kritik hatte ihm Ärger mit seinem Chef eingebrachtbad luck had \pitched him into a life of crime bedingt durch widrige Umstände, rutschte er in die Kriminalität abto be \pitched [headlong] into despair in [eine] tiefe Verzweiflung gestürzt werden2. (set up)▪ to \pitch sth etw aufstellento \pitch camp das Lager aufschlagento \pitch a tent ein Zelt aufbauen [o aufschlagen3. SPORThe has \pitched the last 3 innings er spielte in den letzten 3 Runden den Werferto \pitch a ball einen Ball werfento \pitch a curve ball den Ball anschneiden4. MUSthe tune was \pitched [too] high/low die Melodie war [zu] hoch/tief5. (target)▪ to be \pitched at sb book, film sich an jdn richtenthe film is \pitched at adults between 20 and 30 der Film richtet sich an Erwachsene [o an die Zielgruppe] zwischen zwanzig und dreißig6. (set)you have to \pitch the course at beginners' level der Kurs sollte auf Anfänger ausrichtet seinto be \pitched too high/low zu hoch/niedrig angesetzt seinyour aspirations/expectations are \pitched too high deine Ziele/Erwartungen sind zu hochgestecktto be \pitched at 30° eine Neigung von 30° haben [o aufweisen]\pitched roof Schrägdach nt8. (advertise)▪ to \pitch sth etw propagieren [o sl pushen]III. vi2. (fall)to \pitch headlong to the ground kopfüber zu Boden fallento \pitch into a hole in ein Loch stürzento \pitch forward vornüberstürzenthe passengers \pitched forward die Passagiere wurden nach vorne geschleudertthe footpath \pitches down to the river der Fußweg führt zum Fluss hinunter6. (aim)▪ to \pitch for sth etw anstrebenhe's \pitching for the government to use its influence er versucht die Regierung dazu zu bewegen, ihren Einfluss geltend zu machen7. (attack)▪ to \pitch into sb jdn angreifen8. (start)▪ to \pitch into sth etw [entschlossen] angehen [o anpacken]* * *I [pɪtʃ]nPech nt II1. n1) (= throw) Wurf m4) (Brit for doing one's business, in market, outside theatre etc) Stand m; (fig = usual place on beach etc) Platz mkeep off my pitch! (fig) — komm mir nicht ins Gehege!
See:→ queerhe gave us his pitch about the need to change our policy — er hielt uns (wieder einmal) einen Vortrag über die Notwendigkeit, unsere Politik zu ändern
to have perfect pitch — das absolute Gehör haben
8) (fig= degree)
he roused the mob to such a pitch that... — er brachte die Massen so sehr auf, dass...the tension/their frustration had reached such a pitch that... — die Spannung/ihre Frustration hatte einen derartigen Grad erreicht, dass...
matters had reached such a pitch that... — die Sache hatte sich derart zugespitzt, dass...
at its highest pitch —
we can't keep on working at this pitch much longer — wir können dieses Arbeitstempo nicht mehr lange durchhalten
See:→ fever9) (US inf)what's the pitch? — wie siehts aus?, was liegt an? (inf), was geht? (sl)
2. vtas soon as he got the job he was pitched into a departmental battle — kaum hatte er die Stelle, wurde er schon in einen Abteilungskrieg verwickelt
2) (MUS) song anstimmen; note (= give) angeben; (= hit) treffen; instrument stimmen; (inf by DJ) pitchen3) (fig)the prices of these cars are pitched extremely competitively — diese Autos haben sehr attraktive Preise
the production must be pitched at the right level for London audiences — das Stück muss auf das Niveau des Londoner Publikums abgestimmt werden
she pitched the plan to business leaders —
3. vi1) (= fall) fallen, stürzenhe pitched off his horse —
he pitched forward as the bus braked — er fiel nach vorn, als der Bus bremste
2) (NAUT) stampfen; (AVIAT) absackenhe's in there pitching ( US fig inf ) — er schuftet wie ein Ochse (inf)
* * *pitch1 [pıtʃ]A s2. BOT (rohes Terpentin-)Harzpitched thread Pechdraht mpitch2 [pıtʃ]A v/t1. ein Zelt, ein Lager, einen Verkaufsstand etc aufschlagen, -stellen, eine Leiter etc anlegen, ein Lager etc errichten:pitch one’s tent fig seine Zelte aufschlagen2. einen Pfosten etc einrammen, -schlagen, befestigen3. einen Speer etc werfen, schleudern:pitch a coin eine Münze hochwerfen (zum Losen etc)4. Heu etc (auf)laden, (-)gabeln5. MIL, HIST in Schlachtordnung aufstellen:a) regelrechte oder offene (Feld)Schlacht,b) fig knallharte Auseinandersetzung6. (der Höhe oder dem Wert etc nach) festsetzen, -legen:pitch one’s expectations too high seine Erwartungen zu hoch schrauben, zu viel erwarten;pitch one’s hopes too high seine Hoffnungen zu hoch stecken8. MUSa) ein Instrument (auf eine bestimmte Tonhöhe) stimmenb) ein Lied etc (in bestimmter Tonhöhe) anstimmen oder singen oder spielen, die Tonhöhe für ein Lied etc festsetzen oder anschlagen:pitch the voice high hoch anstimmen oder singen;his voice was well pitched er hatte eine gute Stimmlage9. Golf: den Ball pitchen10. fig den Sinn etc richten (toward[s] auf akk)11. eine Straße (be)schottern, (mit unbehauenen Steinen) pflastern, eine Böschung (mit unbehauenen Steinen) verpacken12. Kartenspiel: eine Farbe durch Ausspielen zum Trumpf machen, die Trumpffarbe durch Ausspielen festlegen13. Warea) zum Verkauf anbieten, ausstellenb) anpreisenB v/i1. (besonders kopfüber) (hin)stürzen, hinschlagen2. aufschlagen, -prallen (Ball etc)3. taumeln5. werfen7. sich neigen (Dach etc)8. a) ein Zelt oder Lager aufschlagen, (sich) lagernb) einen (Verkaufs)Stand aufschlagena) sich (tüchtig) ins Zeug legen, loslegen, sich ranmachen,b) tüchtig zulangen (essen),c) einspringen, aushelfen ( beide:with mit),d) mit anpacken ( with bei)b) sich (mit Schwung) an die Arbeit machen12. umga) SPORT allg spielenb) fig kämpfenC swhat’s the pitch? US sl was ist los?;I get the pitch US sl ich kapiere2. SCHIFF Stampfen n3. Neigung f, Gefälle n (eines Daches etc)4. Höhe f5. MUS Tonhöhe f:pitch name absoluter Notenname;pitch number Schwingungszahl f (eines Tones)6. MUSb) richtige Tonhöhe (in der Ausführung):above (below) pitch zu hoch (tief);sing true to pitch tonrein singen9. Grad m, Stufe f, Höhe f (auch fig):pitch of an arch Bogenhöhe;fly a high pitch hoch fliegento the highest pitch aufs Äußerste11. besonders Bra) Stand m (eines Straßenhändlers etc)b) (Stand)Platz m:queer sb’s pitch umg jemandem die Tour vermasseln, jemandem einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen12. WIRTSCH Br (Waren)Angebot n13. sla) Anpreisung fb) Verkaufsgespräch nc) Werbeanzeige f14. sl Platte f, Masche f (beide pej)15. SPORT Spielfeld n:pitch inspection Platzbesichtigung f17. TECHa) Teilung f (eines Gewindes, Zahnrads etc)b) FLUG (Blatt)Steigung f (einer Luftschraube)c) Schränkung f (einer Säge)18. a) Lochabstand m (beim Film)b) Rillenabstand m (der Schallplatte)* * *I 1. noun1) (Brit.): (usual place) [Stand]platz, der; (stand) Stand, der; (Sport): (playing area) Feld, das; Platz, der3) (slope) Neigung, die4) (fig.): (degree, intensity)2. transitive verbreach such a pitch that... — sich so zuspitzen, dass...
1) (erect) aufschlagen [Zelt]pitch camp — ein/das Lager aufschlagen
2) (throw) werfen3) (Mus.) anstimmen [Melodie]; stimmen [Instrument]4) (fig.)5)3. intransitive verbpitched battle — offene [Feld]schlacht
(fall) [kopfüber] stürzen; [Schiff, Fahrzeug, Flugzeug:] mit einem Ruck nach vorn kippen; (repeatedly) [Schiff:] stampfenPhrasal Verbs:- pitch inII noun(substance) Pech, das* * *(sound) n.Tonhöhe -n f.Tonlage -n f. n.Abstand -¨e m.Pech nur sing. n.Stufe -n f. v.errichten v.festsetzen v.werfen v.(§ p.,pp.: warf, geworfen) -
15 round
round [raʊnd]rond ⇒ 1 (a)-(c), 4 (a) autour (de) ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (c), 2 (e), 3 (a) environ ⇒ 2 (g), 6 série ⇒ 4 (c) tournée ⇒ 4 (d), 4 (h) tour ⇒ 4 (f) partie ⇒ 4 (g)∎ to become round s'arrondir;∎ the earth is round la terre est ronde;∎ to have a round face avoir la figure ronde;∎ she looked up, her eyes round with surprise elle leva des yeux écarquillés de surprise;∎ round hand or handwriting écriture f ronde(b) (curved → belly, cheeks) rond;∎ to have round shoulders avoir le dos rond ou voûté∎ in round figures en chiffres ronds;∎ that's 500, in round figures ça fait 500 tout rond;∎ a round dozen une douzaine tout rond∎ a round sum une somme rondelette∎ they gave a round denial ils ont nié tout net(f) (rich, sonorous → tone, voice) sonore(a) (on all sides of) autour de;∎ sitting round the fire/table assis autour du feu/de la table;∎ the village is built round a green le village est construit autour d'un jardin public;∎ they were all grouped round the teacher ils étaient tous rassemblés autour du professeur;∎ the story centres round one particular family l'histoire est surtout centrée autour d'une famille∎ the pillar is three feet round the base la base du pilier fait trois pieds de circonférence;∎ he's 95 cm round the chest il fait 95 cm de tour de poitrine(c) (in the vicinity of, near) autour de;∎ the countryside round Bath is lovely la campagne autour de Bath est très belle;∎ they live somewhere round here ils habitent quelque part par ici∎ the nearest garage is just round the corner le garage le plus proche est juste au coin de la rue;∎ the grocer round the corner l'épicier du coin;∎ she disappeared round the back of the house elle a disparu derrière la maison;∎ the orchard is round the back le verger est derrière;∎ to go round the corner passer le coin, tourner au coin;∎ to go round an obstacle contourner un obstacle;∎ there must be a way round the problem il doit y avoir un moyen de contourner ce problème(e) (so as to encircle) autour de;∎ he put his arm round her shoulders/waist il a passé son bras autour de ses épaules/de sa taille;∎ she wears a scarf round her neck elle porte une écharpe autour du cou;∎ he put a blanket round her legs il lui enveloppa les jambes d'une couverture;∎ the shark swam round the boat le requin faisait des cercles autour du bateau;∎ Drake sailed round the world Drake a fait le tour du monde en bateau;∎ the earth goes or moves round the sun la terre tourne autour du soleil;∎ they were dancing round a fire ils dansaient autour d'un feu(f) (all over, everywhere in)∎ all round the world dans le monde entier, partout dans le monde;∎ to travel round the world/country faire le tour du monde/du pays;∎ she looked round the room elle a promené son regard autour de la pièce;∎ to walk round the town faire le tour de la ville (à pied);∎ we went for a stroll round the garden nous avons fait une balade dans le jardin;∎ there's a rumour going round the school une rumeur circule dans l'école(g) (approximately) environ, aux environs de;∎ round six o'clock aux environs de ou vers les six heures;∎ round Christmas aux environs de Noël∎ round the clock 24 heures sur 24;∎ we worked round the clock nous avons travaillé 24 heures d'affilée;∎ he slept round the clock il a fait le tour du cadran3 adverb(a) (on all sides) autour;∎ there's a fence all round il y a une clôture tout autour;∎ there are trees all the way round il y a des arbres tout autour;∎ taking things all round, taken all round à tout prendre, tout compte fait;∎ all round, it was a good result dans l'ensemble, c'était un bon résultat∎ you'll have to go round, the door's locked il faudra faire le tour, la porte est fermée à clé;∎ we drove round to the back nous avons fait le tour (par derrière)∎ turn the wheel right round or all the way round faites faire un tour complet à la roue;∎ the shark swam round in circles le requin tournait en rond;∎ all year round tout au long de ou toute l'année;∎ summer will soon be or come round again l'été reviendra vite∎ turn round and look at me retournez-vous et regardez-moi;∎ she looked round at us elle se retourna pour nous regarder;∎ we'll have to turn the car round on va devoir faire demi-tour;∎ to have one's hat/jumper on the wrong way round avoir son chapeau/son pull à l'envers;∎ to do sth the wrong way round faire qch à l'envers;∎ it's the other way round (quite the opposite) c'est (tout) le contraire;∎ try the key the other way round essaie la clef dans l'autre sens∎ we spent the summer just travelling round on a passé l'été à voyager;∎ can I have a look round? je peux jeter un coup d'œil?∎ hand the sweets round, hand round the sweets faites passer les bonbons;∎ there's a rumour going round il y a une rumeur qui court;∎ there wasn't enough to go round il n'y en avait pas assez pour tout le monde∎ she came round to see me elle est passée me voir;∎ let's invite some friends round et si on invitait des amis?;∎ come round for dinner some time viens dîner un soir;∎ take these cakes round to her house apportez-lui ces gâteaux;∎ he'll be round il passera;∎ to order the car round demander qu'on amène la voiture(h) (to a different place, position)∎ she's always moving the furniture round elle passe son temps à changer les meubles de place;∎ try shifting the aerial round a bit essaie de bouger un peu l'antenne∎ we had to take the long way round on a dû faire le grand tour ou un grand détour;∎ she went round by the stream elle fit un détour par le ruisseau∎ the tree is 5 metres round l'arbre fait 5 mètres de circonférence4 noun∎ a round of sandwiches = un sandwich au pain de mie coupé en deux ou en quatre(c) (one in a series → of discussions, negotiations) série f; (→ of elections) tour m; (→ of increases) série f, train m;∎ the next round of talks will be held in Moscow les prochains pourparlers auront lieu à Moscou∎ to do a paper/milk round distribuer les journaux/le lait à domicile;∎ to do a hospital round faire sa visite à l'hôpital, visiter ses malades;∎ to go on or do one's rounds (paperboy, milkman) faire sa tournée; (doctor) faire ses visites; (guard, policeman) faire sa ronde;∎ to go or do or make the rounds (story, rumour, cold) circuler;∎ there are several theories going the rounds at the moment il y a plusieurs théories qui circulent en ce moment;∎ there's a joke/rumour/virus going the rounds in the office il y a une blague/une rumeur/un virus qui circule au bureau;∎ she's doing or making the rounds of literary agents/travel agents elle fait le tour des agents littéraires/des agences de voyages∎ the daily round le train-train quotidien, la routine quotidienne;∎ the daily round of cooking and cleaning les travaux quotidiens de cuisine et de ménage;∎ his life is one long round of parties il passe sa vie à faire la fête(f) (stage of competition) tour m, manche f;∎ to be/get through to the next round se qualifier/s'être qualifié pour la manche suivante;∎ she's through to the final round elle participera à la finale∎ Horseriding there were six clear rounds six chevaux avaient fait un sans-faute;∎ Boxing he only went three rounds il n'a fait que trois rounds;∎ to play a round of golf faire une partie de golf;∎ he had the best round of the day c'est lui qui a fait le meilleur parcours ou round(h) (of drinks) tournée f;∎ to buy or stand a round of drinks payer une tournée (générale);∎ it's my round c'est ma tournée;∎ let's have another round prenons encore un verre(i) (of cheering) salve f(j) (of ammunition) cartouche f;∎ how many rounds have we got left? combien de cartouches nous reste-t-il?∎ theatre in the round théâtre m en rond∎ sculpture in the round ronde-bosse f(a) (lips, vowel) arrondirenviron;∎ we need round about 6,000 posters il nous faut environ 6000 affiches;∎ she's round about forty elle a la quarantaine;∎ round about midnight vers minuit2 adverbalentour, des alentours;∎ the villages round about les villages alentour ou des alentours1 adverb∎ to go round and round tourner;∎ we drove round and round for hours on a tourné en rond pendant des heures;∎ my head was spinning round and round j'avais la tête qui tournait∎ we drove round and round the field on a fait plusieurs tours dans le champ;∎ the helicopter flew round and round the lighthouse l'hélicoptère a tourné plusieurs fois autour du phare►► round of applause des applaudissements mpl;∎ give her a round of applause! on peut l'applaudir!;∎ they got a round of applause ils se sont fait applaudir;Architecture round arch arc m en plein cintre;Cookery round of beef gîte m à la noix;Typography round brackets parenthèses fpl;round dance ronde f;round figure chiffre m rond;∎ in round figures en chiffres mpl ronds;round robin (letter) pétition f (où les signatures sont disposées en rond); esp American (contest) poule f;the Round Table la Table ronde;round table table f ronde;round trip (voyage m) aller et retour m;∎ I did the round trip in six hours j'ai fait l'aller-retour en six heures;Anatomy round window fenêtre f rondearrondir au chiffre inférieur;∎ their prices were rounded down to the nearest £10 ils ont arrondi leurs prix aux 10 livres inférieures(a) (finish, complete) terminer, clore;∎ he rounded off his meal with a glass of brandy il a terminé son repas par un verre de cognac;∎ to round things off… pour finir…(b) (figures → round down) arrondir au chiffre inférieur; (→ round up) arrondir au chiffre supérieurattaquer, s'en prendre à(complete) compléter; (deepen) approfondirprendre des rondeurs -
16 управление соревнованиями
управление соревнованиями
Управление соревнованиями предусматривает выполнение правил и регламента каждой МСФ и МПСФ при организации соревнований на самом высоком уровне, с тем чтобы лучшие спортсмены мира могли продемонстрировать свои достижения. Управление соревнованиями призвано обеспечить совместимость и четкую согласованность соревнований по всем видам спорта, входящим в Олимпийскую и Паралимпийскую программу. ОКОИ может учредить функциональное подразделение, занимающееся всеми аспектами управления соревнованиями.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
competition management
Competition management relates to implementation of the rules and regulations of each IF and IPSF in the delivery of each sport at the highest level possible for the world's best athletes to stage their talents. Competition management must ensure that sports on the Olympic and Paralympic program are organized in a consistent manner. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with competition management aspects.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > управление соревнованиями
17 fase
f.phase.la fase final del campeonato the final stage of the championshipel proyecto está en fase de estudio the project is still being researched* * *1 (etapa) phase, stage2 (en electricidad) phase* * *noun f.phase, period* * *SF1) (=etapa) stage, phaseestar en fase ascendente — [persona] to be on the way up; [equipo] to be on a winning run
fase clasificatoria — (Dep) qualifying stage
2) (Astron, Bio, Elec) phase3) [de cohete] stage* * *1) ( etapa) stage, phase2) (Astron) phase; ( de cohete) stage* * *= building block, phase, stage, step.Ex. The National IT plan proposes 7 building blocks each with a strategic thrust which will serve as the overall impetus for the national IT movement.Ex. This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Ex. The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.Ex. The first step in assigning intellectual responsibility to a corporate body must be a definition of a corporate body.----* en cada fase = at each stage.* en fase terminal = terminally ill.* enfermo en fase terminal = terminally ill patient.* enfermos en fase terminal, los = terminally ill, the.* en tres fases = three-step.* fase anterior a la impresión = prepress phase.* fase de actuación = stage of implementation.* fase de la luna = phase of the moon.* fase eliminatoria = qualifying round.* fase final = phaseout, endgame.* fase lunar = moon phase.* fase de actuación = implementation stage.* por fases = staged.* suministro eléctrico por fases = phase supply.* tratamiento por fases = phased approach.* * *1) ( etapa) stage, phase2) (Astron) phase; ( de cohete) stage* * *= building block, phase, stage, step.Ex: The National IT plan proposes 7 building blocks each with a strategic thrust which will serve as the overall impetus for the national IT movement.
Ex: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Ex: The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.Ex: The first step in assigning intellectual responsibility to a corporate body must be a definition of a corporate body.* en cada fase = at each stage.* en fase terminal = terminally ill.* enfermo en fase terminal = terminally ill patient.* enfermos en fase terminal, los = terminally ill, the.* en tres fases = three-step.* fase anterior a la impresión = prepress phase.* fase de actuación = stage of implementation.* fase de la luna = phase of the moon.* fase eliminatoria = qualifying round.* fase final = phaseout, endgame.* fase lunar = moon phase.* fase de actuación = implementation stage.* por fases = staged.* suministro eléctrico por fases = phase supply.* tratamiento por fases = phased approach.* * *A (etapa) stage, phaseya superará esa fase it's just a phase he's going through, he'll get over itla fase previa del torneo the qualifying stage of the competitionestá todavía en fase de negociación it is still being negotiated[ S ] primera fase en construcción first phase now under constructionB1 ( Astron) phase2 (de un cohete) stageC ( Elec) phase* * *
fase sustantivo femenino
está todavía en fase de negociación it is still being negotiatedb) (Astron, Elec, Fis, Quím) phase
fase sustantivo femenino
1 (etapa) phase, stage: aún está en fase de aprendizaje, she's still in the early learning stage
2 Elec Fís phase
3 (de la Luna) phase
' fase' also found in these entries:
- terminal
- verde
- eliminatorio
- phase
- stage
- terminal
- terminally
* * *fase nf1. [etapa] phase;estamos pasando una fase difícil we're going through a difficult phase;el proyecto está en fase de estudio the project is still being researched;la primera fase de la competición the first round of the competition;la fase final del campeonato the final stage of the championshipfase REM [de los sueños] REM stage2. [de la luna] phase3. [de cohete] stage4. Elec phase5. Fís & Quím phase* * *f phase* * *fase nf: phase, stage* * *fase n phase / stage -
18 altura
f.1 height.2 height.a la altura de los ojos at eye levelpon los dos altavoces a la misma altura put both speakers level with each otherel tráfico está congestionado a la altura del ayuntamiento there's a traffic jam in the area of the town hall3 height.Viella está a 1.000 m de altura Viella is 1,000 m above sea levelse esperan nevadas en alturas superiores a los 800 metros snow is forecast on high ground above 800 meters4 loftiness, elevation.* * *1 (gen) height2 (altitud) altitude■ ¿a qué altura de la calle vives? how far up the street do you live?■ hay un buzón en la calle Mayor, a la altura de la zapatería there's a post box in the High Street, near the shoe shop1 RELIGIÓN heavens\a estas alturas by now, at this stageestar a la altura de to measure up to, match up to, be on a par withestar a la altura de las circunstancias figurado to be worthy of the occasion, rise to the occasionquedar a la altura del betún familiar to make a very poor showing, look bad* * *noun f.1) height2) altitude3) level4) loftiness* * *SF1) [de edificio, techo, persona] heightse necesita tener una altura superior a 1,80 — you have to be over 1.80 metres tall
hubo olas de hasta tres metros de altura — there were waves up to three metres high, there were waves of up to three metres in height
a la altura de algo, la ventana quedaba a la altura de mi cabeza — the window was level with my headaltura de caída — [de cascada] fall
2) [en el aire] height, altitudeel avión subió a una altura de 10.000 pies — the plane rose to a height o an altitude of 10,000 feet
nos encontramos a 3.000 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar — we are 3,000 metres above sea level
el globo empezó a perder altura — the balloon began to lose height3) (=nivel)si lo insultas te estás rebajando a su altura — if you insult him you are just lowering yourself to his level
no encuentra ningún rival a su altura — she can't find a rival to match her, she can't find a rival in her league
estar a la altura de — [+ persona] to be in the same league as, be on a par with; [+ tarea] to be up to, be equal tono estamos a la altura de los trabajadores japoneses — we are not in the same league as Japanese workers, we are not on a par with Japanese workers
su último artículo no estaba a la altura de los anteriores — his last article did not match up to the previous ones
la novela no estaba a la altura del concurso — the novel was not up to the standard set by the competition, the novel did not measure up to the competition standards
- dejar o poner a algn a la altura del betún o de un felpudo o del untosi no los invitamos quedaremos a la altura del betún — if we don't invite them, it'll look really bad
4) (Geog)•
a la altura de — on the same latitude asa la altura del km 8 — at the 8th km, at the 8th km point
¿a qué altura de la calle quiere que pare? — how far along the street do you want me to stop?
5) (Náut)remolcador de altura — deep-sea tug, ocean-going tug
6) (Dep) (=salto) high jump; (=distancia del suelo) heightacaban de superar la altura de 1,90 — they have managed to beat the height of 1.90
7) (Mús) pitch8) [de ideas, sentimientos] sublimity, loftiness9) pl alturasa) (=lugar elevado) (Geog) heights; (Rel) heaven sing¡Gloria a Dios en las alturas! — Glory to God in Heaven!
estar en las alturas — (Rel) to be on highb) [de organización] upper echelonsen las alturas abundan las intrigas palaciegas — court intrigues are plentiful in the upper echelons
c)a estas alturas no me preocupan las arrugas — at my age, wrinkles don't worry me
a estas alturas del año las playas están casi vacías — at this stage of the year the beaches are almost empty
¿todavía no confías en mí a estas alturas? — you still don't trust me after all this time?
a estas alturas no podemos volvernos atrás — having come this far we can't go back now, we can't go back at this stage
d) † (=pisos) storey, story (EEUU)* * *1) (de persona, edificio, techo) height2) ( indicando posición) heighta la altura del betún or (RPl) felpudo or (Chi) del unto (fam): nos dejaste a la altura del betún you made us look really bad; quedó a la altura del betún he looked really stupid; estar/ponerse a la altura de algo/alguien: para ponernos a la altura de la competencia to put ourselves on a par with our competitors; estar a la altura de las circunstancias to rise to the occasion; no está a la altura de su predecesor he doesn't match up to his predecessor; no estuvo a la altura de lo que esperaban — he didn't live up to their expectations
3)a) (Aviac, Geog) ( altitud) altitudeperder altura — to lose height o (frml) altitude
a 2.240 metros de altura — at an altitude of 2,240 meters
sobrepasar los 4.000 metros de altura — to rise to (a height of) over 4,000 meters
b)de altura — <pesquero/flota> deep-sea (before n); < remolcador> oceangoing (before n)
4) ( en sentido horizontal)a) ( en una calle)¿a qué altura de Serrano vive? — how far up Serrano do you live?
b) ( latitud)en el Adriático, a la altura de Florencia — on the Adriatic, on the same latitude o (colloq) as far up/down as Florence
5) ( en sentido temporal)a estas/esas alturas: a estas alturas me vienes con eso! you wait till now to bring this to me!; a estas alturas del año this late on in the year; a esas alturas ya había perdido las esperanzas by that stage he had already lost all hope; a estas alturas del partido — (fam) by now, at this stage of the game (colloq)
6) (Mús) pitch7) alturas femenino plurala) ( cimas) heights (pl)b) (Relig)* * *= height, altitude.Ex. For a monograph the height of the book is normally given, in centimetres.Ex. The museum restored many of its flood-damaged books by a process involving freezing, exposure to a vacuum equivalent to an altitude of 200,000 ft.----* a estas alturas = by now.* a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.* a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.* a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.* a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.* a la misma altura que = in the same league as.* altura del tipo movible = height-to-paper, type height.* altura tipográfica = height-to-paper [heights-to-paper, -pl.].* con la misma altura que = the full height of.* de altura = high, top-notch.* de altura regulable = height-adjustable.* estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.* estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.* estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to snuff, come up with + the goods.* estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), rise (up) to + challenge.* estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.* estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.* estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.* estar a la misma altura que = rank with.* gran altura = high altitude.* no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.* no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.* poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.* salto de altura = vertical jump, high jumping, high jump.* * *1) (de persona, edificio, techo) height2) ( indicando posición) heighta la altura del betún or (RPl) felpudo or (Chi) del unto (fam): nos dejaste a la altura del betún you made us look really bad; quedó a la altura del betún he looked really stupid; estar/ponerse a la altura de algo/alguien: para ponernos a la altura de la competencia to put ourselves on a par with our competitors; estar a la altura de las circunstancias to rise to the occasion; no está a la altura de su predecesor he doesn't match up to his predecessor; no estuvo a la altura de lo que esperaban — he didn't live up to their expectations
3)a) (Aviac, Geog) ( altitud) altitudeperder altura — to lose height o (frml) altitude
a 2.240 metros de altura — at an altitude of 2,240 meters
sobrepasar los 4.000 metros de altura — to rise to (a height of) over 4,000 meters
b)de altura — <pesquero/flota> deep-sea (before n); < remolcador> oceangoing (before n)
4) ( en sentido horizontal)a) ( en una calle)¿a qué altura de Serrano vive? — how far up Serrano do you live?
b) ( latitud)en el Adriático, a la altura de Florencia — on the Adriatic, on the same latitude o (colloq) as far up/down as Florence
5) ( en sentido temporal)a estas/esas alturas: a estas alturas me vienes con eso! you wait till now to bring this to me!; a estas alturas del año this late on in the year; a esas alturas ya había perdido las esperanzas by that stage he had already lost all hope; a estas alturas del partido — (fam) by now, at this stage of the game (colloq)
6) (Mús) pitch7) alturas femenino plurala) ( cimas) heights (pl)b) (Relig)* * *= height, altitude.Ex: For a monograph the height of the book is normally given, in centimetres.
Ex: The museum restored many of its flood-damaged books by a process involving freezing, exposure to a vacuum equivalent to an altitude of 200,000 ft.* a estas alturas = by now.* a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.* a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.* a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.* a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.* a la misma altura que = in the same league as.* altura del tipo movible = height-to-paper, type height.* altura tipográfica = height-to-paper [heights-to-paper, -pl.].* con la misma altura que = the full height of.* de altura = high, top-notch.* de altura regulable = height-adjustable.* estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.* estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.* estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to snuff, come up with + the goods.* estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), rise (up) to + challenge.* estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.* estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.* estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.* estar a la misma altura que = rank with.* gran altura = high altitude.* no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.* no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.* poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.* salto de altura = vertical jump, high jumping, high jump.* * *A1 (de una persona, un edificio) height; (de una figura geométrica) heightla altura mínima exigida es de 1,60m the minimum height requirement is 1.60mel muro tiene un metro de altura the wall is one meter highel faro mide 35 metros de altura the lighthouse is 35 meters high o tallun edificio de altura a tall building2 (de un techo) heightB (indicando posición) heightpon los dos cuadros a la misma altura put the two pictures level with each other o at the same heightel tableado nace a la altura de las caderas the pleats begin at the hips, it's pleated from the hipsquiero pintar la pared hasta esta altura I want to paint the wall up to heretiene una cicatriz a la altura de la sien he has a scar on his templea la altura de los ojos at eye levelcayó de or desde una altura de 20 metros he fell from a height of 20 metersa la altura del betún or ( RPl) de un felpudo or ( Chi) del unto ( fam): nos dejaste a la altura del betún you made us look really badno contestó ni una pregunta, quedó a la altura de un felpudo he couldn't answer a single question, he looked really stupidestar/ponerse a la altura de algo/algn: lo que permitirá ponernos a la altura de los países más avanzados which will enable us to put ourselves on a par with the most developed countriessupo estar a la altura de las circunstancias he managed to rise to the occasionno estuvo a la altura de lo que se esperaba he didn't live up to their expectationsno está a la altura de su predecesor he doesn't match up to his predecessorsi le contestas con palabrotas te estás poniendo a su altura by swearing at her you're just lowering yourself o sinking to her levelno llegarle a algn a la altura del tobillo ( fam): ése no te llega a la altura del tobillo he can't compare to you, he isn't a patch on you ( BrE colloq)Cvolamos a una altura de 10.000 metros we are flying at an altitude of 10,000 metersel avión empezó a perder altura the plane started to lose height o ( frml) altitudefue construida en una meseta a 2.240 metros de altura it was built on a plateau at an altitude of 2,240 metersmontañas que sobrepasan los 4.000 metros de altura mountains that rise to (a height of) over 4,000 meters2remolcador de altura oceangoing tugD(dignidad): se lo dijo con mucha altura she told him in a very dignified mannerreaccionó con mucha altura he reacted with great dignity1(en una calle): ¿a qué altura de Serrano vive? how far up o along Serrano do you live?cuando la procesión llegó a la altura del Ayuntamiento when the procession reached City Hallviven a la altura de la Plaza de Colón they live up by Plaza de Colón2(latitud): situada en el Adriático, a la altura de Florencia situated on the Adriatic, on the same latitude as Florence o ( colloq) as far up/down as FlorenceF(en sentido temporal): a estas/esas alturas: a estas alturas ya deberías haber aprendido cómo se hace you should have learned how to do it by now¡a estas alturas me vienes con esas preguntas! it's a bit late to be asking questions like that now!a estas alturas ya nadie se escandaliza por esas cosas nobody is shocked by that kind of thing anymorea estas alturas ya deben haber llegado they should have arrived by now o by this timea estas alturas del año this late on in the year, so late on in the yeara estas alturas de la campaña electoral ya no pueden dar marcha atrás sobre eso they can't go back on that at this (late) stage of the election campaigna esas alturas ya había perdido las esperanzas by that stage he had already lost all hope1 (cimas) heights (pl)2 ( Relig):las alturas the highestgloria a Dios en las alturas glory to God in the highest o on high* * *
altura sustantivo femenino
1 (de persona, edificio, techo) height;
2 ( indicando posición) height;
a la altura de los ojos at eye level;
estar/ponerse a la altura de algo/algn: para ponernos a la altura de la competencia to put ourselves on a par with our competitors;
estar a la altura de las circunstancias to rise to the occasion;
no está a la altura de su predecesor he doesn't match up to his predecessor
◊ a 2.240 metros de altura at an altitude of 2,240 metersb)
‹ remolcador› oceangoing ( before n)
4 ( en sentido horizontal):◊ ¿a qué altura de Serrano vive? how far up Serrano do you live?;
cuando llegamos a la altura de la plaza when we reached the square
5 ( en sentido temporal):
¡a estas alturas me vienes con eso! you wait till now to bring this to me!;
a estas alturas del año this late on in the year;
a esas alturas ya no me importaba by that stage I didn't mind
6 (Mús) pitch
altura sustantivo femenino
1 height
de nueve metros de altura, nine metres high
2 (nivel) level
a la misma altura, on the same level
Geography on the same latitude: Helena vive a la altura del hospital, Helena lives by the hospital
♦ Locuciones: figurado no está a la altura de su rival, he doesn't measure up to his rival
figurado se supo poner a la altura de las circunstancias, she was able to meet the challenge
a estas alturas ya deberías conocerlo, you should know him by now
' altura' also found in these entries:
- alto
- betún
- estatura
- estirón
- grandeza
- salto
- sobrepasar
- superar
- talla
- alcanzar
- asorocharse
- caer
- descender
- descenso
- elevar
- grande
- listón
- mal
- máximo
- mayor
- nivel
- tomar
- equal
- eye-level
- height
- high
- ht
- inadequate
- level
- live up to
- low
- match
- measure up
- name
- off-shore fishing
- patch
- rise
- storey
- tall
- up to
- deep
- elevation
- head
- justice
- league
- live
- measure
- par
- second
- third
- up
* * *altura nf1. [de persona, cosa] height;[cosa] it's 2 metres high2. [posición] height;pon los dos altavoces a la misma altura put both speakers level with each other;a la altura de los ojos at eye level;la serpiente le mordió a la altura del tobillo the snake bit him on the ankle;el tráfico está congestionado a la altura del ayuntamiento there's a traffic jam in the area of the town hall;¿a qué altura está la oficina de turismo? how far along the road is the tourist information office?;está a la altura de la estación it's next to the station3. [altitud] height;Viella está a 1.000 metros de altura Viella is 1,000 metres above sea level;perder altura [avión] to lose height;volar a gran altura to fly at altitude;volaremos a 2.000 metros de altura we'll be flying at an altitude of 2,000 metres;se esperan nevadas en alturas superiores a los 800 metros snow is forecast on high ground above 800 metres;Figlas alturas [el cielo] Heaven;Gloria a Dios en las alturas glory to God in the highest4. [latitud] latitudeintentan ponerse a la altura de los líderes del mercado they're trying to catch up with the market leaders;la moda inglesa nunca se pondrá a la altura de la italiana English fashion will never reach the standard of Italian fashion;su última novela no está a la altura de sus anteriores her latest novel isn't up to the standard of her previous ones;la película no estuvo a la altura de sus expectativas the film didn't come up to o fell short of her expectations;comprarlo no estaba a la altura de mis posibilidades it wasn't within my means to buy it;no está a la altura del puesto he's not up to the job;al devolverle el insulto, se puso a su altura by insulting him back, she showed herself to be no better than him;estar a la altura de las circunstancias to be worthy of the occasion, to be equal to the challenge;ninguno de los dos equipos estuvo a la altura de las circunstancias neither of the teams was able to rise to the occasion;Fama la altura del betún o RP [m5]del felpudo: nos dejó a la altura del betún o RP [m5] del felpudo it left us looking really bad;hemos quedado a la altura del betún o RP [m5]del felpudo, teníamos que haberle comprado un regalo it looks really bad that we didn't buy him a present;Fama la altura de los zapatos: como tenista, no le llega a la altura de los zapatos he's nowhere near as good a tennis player as hera gran altura: jugaron a gran altura y ganaron el título they played magnificently and won the title;rayar a gran altura to excel, to shine[de sentimientos, espíritu] loftiness;un escritor de gran altura moral a writer with lofty moralsa estas alturas ya tendrían que saber lo que me gusta by now, they ought to know what I like;a estas alturas ya no se puede cambiar nada it's too late to change anything now;a estas alturas ya debías saber que eso no se hace you should know better than that by now;a estas alturas del año ya es muy tarde para ponerse a estudiar it's a bit late in the year to start studying;si a estas alturas no te has decidido… if you haven't decided by now…;no me digas que a estas alturas todavía tienes dudas sobre tu boda don't tell me you still have doubts about getting married even at this late stage8. [cumbre] summit, top;las grandes alturas alpinas the great peaks of the Alpsuna casa de dos alturas a two-storey house10. [salto de altura] high jump11. Mús pitchflota de altura deep-sea fleet;navegación de altura ocean navigation;pesca de altura deep-sea fishing* * *f1 height;de diez metros de altura 10 meters in height, 10 meters high;a la altura de on a par with;estar a la altura de algo be up to sth;a estas alturas by this time, by now2 MÚS pitch3 AVIA altitude;tomar altura gain altitude4 GEOG latitude* * *altura nf1) : height2) : altitude3) : loftiness, nobleness4)a la altura de : near, up byen la avenida San Antonio a la altura de la Calle Tres: on San Antonio Avenue up near Third Street5)a estas alturas : at this point, at this stage of the game* * *altura n1. (medida) height2. (importancia) importancea estas alturas by now / at this stage -
19 exit
1. noun2) (from stage) Abgang, der2. intransitive verb1) hinausgehen ( from aus); (from stage) abgehen ( from von)* * *['eɡzit] 1. noun1) (a way out of a building etc: the emergency exit.) der Ausgang2) (an actor's departure from the stage: Macbeth's exit.) der Abgang3) (an act of going out or departing: She made a noisy exit.) der Abgang2. verb((used as a stage direction to one person) (he/she) goes off the stage: Exit Hamlet.) Hamlet, etc. ab. als Regieanweisung* * *[ˈeksɪt, ˈegz-]I. nemergency \exit Notausgang mfire \exit Notausgang m, Feuertreppe fyou made a dramatic \exit dein Abgang war dramatischto take an \exit eine Ausfahrt nehmento make one's \exit [from the stage] [von der Bühne] abgehenII. vt▪ to \exit sth building, road etw verlassen; COMPUT program etw verlassen, aus etw dat aussteigen ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZIII. vi3. (leave the stage) abgehen\exit Ophelia Ophelia [tritt] ab* * *['eksɪt]1. n1) (from stage, life) Abgang m; (from room) Hinausgehen nt (from aus); (from competition) Ausscheiden nt; (from sb's life) Scheiden nt (geh)to make an/one's exit (from stage) — abgehen; (from room) hinausgehen
2. vihinausgehen; (from stage) abgehen; (from competition) ausscheiden; (COMPUT) das Programm/die Datei etc verlassen, aussteigen (inf)3. vt2) (COMPUT) program, file beenden, aussteigen aus (inf)* * *exit [ˈeksıt; ˈeɡzıt]A s1. Abgang m:a) Abtreten n (von der Bühne): → academic.ru/24556/entrance">entrance1 1b) fig Tod m:make one’s exit → B 1exit polling Nachfrage f (bei Wahlen)4. TECH Austritt m:port of exit Ausström-, Ausflussöffnung f;exit gas Abgas n;exit heat Abzugswärme f5. Ausreise f:exit permit Ausreiseerlaubnis f;exit visa Ausreisevisum nB v/iC v/t1. → B 22. → B 3* * *1. noun2) (from stage) Abgang, der3) (from room) Hinausgehen, das2. intransitive verb1) hinausgehen ( from aus); (from stage) abgehen ( from von)2) (Theatre): (as stage direction) ab* * *n.Abgang ¨-e m.Ausfahrt -en f.Ausgang -ë m.Ausstieg -e m.Austritt -e m.Autobahnausfahrt f. v.aussteigen v. -
20 entry
noun1) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (into organization) Beitritt, der ( into zu); (into country) Einreise, die; (ceremonial entrance) [feierlicher] Einzuggain entry to the house — ins Haus gelangen
a ‘no entry’ sign — ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Zutritt/Einfahrt verboten"
2) (on to stage) Auftritt, der4) (registration, item registered) Eintragung, die (in, into in + Akk. od. Dat.); (in dictionary, encyclopaedia, yearbook, index) Eintrag, der* * *['entri]plural - entries; noun1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) der Eintritt2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) der Zutritt3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) der Eingang4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) die Anmeldung5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) die Eintragung* * *en·try[ˈentri]n1. (act of entering) Eintritt m; (by car) Einfahrt f; (into a country) Einreise f; (into an organization or activity) Aufnahme f, Beitritt m; THEAT Auftritt m“no \entry” „Zutritt verboten“forcible \entry gewaltsames Eindringen6. (submitted item for competition) Einsendung f; (submitted solution) Lösung f; (number) Teilnehmerzahl fthe winning \entry der Beitrag, der/die Einsendung, die gewonnen hat8. (in bookkeeping)credit \entry Gutschrift f, Habenbuchung fdebit \entry Lastschrift f, Sollbuchung fcontra \entry Gegenbuchung fto contra an \entry einen Eintrag zurückbuchen9. LAW\entry of appearance schriftliche Anzeige der Verteidigungsbereitschaft\entry of judgment Eintragung f des Urteils* * *['entrɪ]n1) (into in +acc) (= coming or going in) Eintritt m; (by car etc) Einfahrt f; (into country) Einreise f; (into club, school etc) Aufnahme f; (THEAT) Auftritt mpoint of entry (of bullet etc) — Einschussstelle f; (of inlet pipe etc) Anschlussstelle f
to make an/one's entry — auftreten
3) (in diary, account book, dictionary etc) Eintrag mthe dictionary has 30,000 entries — das Wörterbuch enthält 30.000 Stichwörter
* * *entry [ˈentrı] s1. → academic.ru/24556/entrance">entrance1 1:2. Einreise f, Zuzug m:entry permit Einreiseerlaubnis f;entry and residence permit Zuzugsgenehmigung f;entry visa Einreisevisum n3. → entrance1 6Britain’s entry into the Common Market7. Einlass m, Zutritt m:force an entry into, make a forcible entry into gewaltsam eindringen in (akk), sich gewaltsam Zugang oder Zutritt verschaffen zu;“no entry” „Zutritt verboten!“, AUTO „keine Einfahrt!“8. a) Zu-, Eingang(stür) m(f), Einfahrt(stor) f(n)b) Flur m, (Eingangs-, Vor)Halle f9. a) Eintrag(ung) m(f), Vormerkung f:entry in a diary Tagebucheintrag(ung)10. WIRTSCHa) Eintragung f, Buchung f:b) (gebuchter) Posten11. WIRTSCH Eingang m (von Geldern etc):(up)on entry nach Eingang12. WIRTSCH, SCHIFF Einklarierung f, Zolldeklaration f:entry inwards (outwards) Einfuhr-(Ausfuhr)deklarationupon gen)15. GEOG (Fluss)Mündung f16. SPORTa) Nennung f, Meldung f:entry fee Startgeld n;c) koll Teilnehmer(zahl) pl(f) (auch allg eines Wettbewerbs):17. a) Beitrag m (zu einem Filmfestival etc)b) Lösung f (eines Preisausschreibens):“(have your) entries in by …” „Einsendeschluss …“* * *noun1) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (into organization) Beitritt, der ( into zu); (into country) Einreise, die; (ceremonial entrance) [feierlicher] Einzug‘no entry’ — (for people) "Zutritt verboten"; (for vehicle) "Einfahrt verboten"
a ‘no entry’ sign — ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Zutritt/Einfahrt verboten"
2) (on to stage) Auftritt, der4) (registration, item registered) Eintragung, die (in, into in + Akk. od. Dat.); (in dictionary, encyclopaedia, yearbook, index) Eintrag, der5) (person or thing in competition) Nennung, die; (set of answers etc.) Lösung, die* * *(Computers) n.Eingabe -n f. n.Anfang -ë m.Einfahrt -en f.Eingang -¨e m.Einmarsch m.Eintrag -ë m.Eintragung f.Eintritt -e m.Einzug -¨e m.
См. также в других словарях:
competition — n. rivalry opposition 1) to offer, provide competition 2) to undercut, undersell the competition 3) bitter, fierce, formidable, keen, stiff, strong; cutthroat, unfair, unscrupulous; fair; free, unfettered; healthy competition 4) competition among … Combinatory dictionary
Stage (theatre) — For other uses, see Stage (disambiguation). Actors performing on the stage of the Drury Lane Theatre, 1674 … Wikipedia
Stage (bicycle race) — A stage in road bicycle racing is a part of a multi day event, such as the Tour de France or the Giro d Italia. Usually, the race consists of ordinary stages (see below), but sometimes stages are held as an individual time trial or a team time… … Wikipedia
stage — stage1 W1S1 [steıdʒ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(time/state)¦ 2¦(part of process)¦ 3¦(theatre)¦ 4¦(acting)¦ 5 centre stage 6¦(place)¦ 7 set the stage for something ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: estage, from Vulgar Latin … Dictionary of contemporary English
Competition law — Antitrust redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Antitrust (film). For laws specific to the U.S., see United States antitrust law. Competition law Basic concepts … Wikipedia
Stage–gate model — A stage–gate model, also referred to as a phase–gate process, is a project management technique in which an initiative or project (e.g., new product development, process improvement, business change) is divided into stages (or phases) separated… … Wikipedia
stage — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 period/state in progress/development ADJECTIVE ▪ distinct ▪ The process has three distinct stages. ▪ beginning, early, initial, opening, preliminary … Collocations dictionary
competition — noun 1 event in which people try to win sth ADJECTIVE ▪ international, national ▪ major, prestigious ▪ wines that won medals at major wine competitions ▪ knockout … Collocations dictionary
Competition Act 1998 — The Competition Act 1998 is the current major source of competition policy in the UK along with Enterprise Act 2002. The act provides an updated framework for identifying and dealing with restrictive business practices and abuse of a dominant… … Wikipedia
Stage dance festival — A stage dance festival is a theatre dance competition in which amateur dancers compete in a range of dance disciplines.OverviewStage dance festivals are usually held at theatres or other venues which have a traditional proscenium style stage on… … Wikipedia
2005 Tour de France, Stage 1 to Stage 11 — Stage results and recaps of the 2005 Tour de France from Stage 1 to Stage 11.tage 1 (July 2nd): Individual Time Trial: Fromentine Noirmoutier en l Île (19 km)A normal day with some minor drama at the finish, the early break this time consisted of … Wikipedia